
COPED FILLER TEXT FROM CROSSFIT PAGECrossFit Clearwater was established in 2011 as a registered affiliate. Most people don’t realize that CrossFit affiliates are individually owned. They are not all the same. As a matter of fact, they can be very different. 

Over the last several years, we have evolved for the better. The facility has grown. The tools of the trade have increased. The programming is more thought out and challenging. The experience of the coaching staff has 

more depth. 

Everyone should CrossFit! (Bold/ make this statement stand

We have many competitive athletes that train at our gym, some at high levels. However, we do not make athletes “test” into the competitive work. The athlete just needs the willingness to do the work. We pride ourselves in providing challenging daily workouts, as a gym, so we like for ALL athletes complete the gym’s “Workout of the Day”. Competitive work is an extension.