1) For Time
21, 15,9 reps of
Row Cals
Wallballs 20/14
2) Deadlift
5 x 4 ascending
3) 4 RFT
8 reps Pwr cleans Rx1 155/105 , Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
Bike Erg Rx1 20/16 cals
1) For Time
21, 15,9 reps of
Row Cals
Wallballs 20/14
2) Deadlift
5 x 4 ascending
3) 4 RFT
8 reps Pwr cleans Rx1 155/105 , Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
Bike Erg Rx1 20/16 cals