1) Snatch - 15 mins work to Heavy Single
4 x 4 ascending
3) 3RFT
Wallballs Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
Box jumps Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
KB swings Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
GHDSU Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
1) Snatch - 15 mins work to Heavy Single
4 x 4 ascending
3) 3RFT
Wallballs Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
Box jumps Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
KB swings Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
GHDSU Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25