1) 8 min emom
Kb swings 53/35 Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14
2 Backsquat holds in Bottom Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85 - 15 sec hold/15 Rest /15 sec hold
2) Backsquat
Superset 10 reps @ 60 then 2 reps @ 85%
(So a set of 10 add weight then immediately set of 2)
4 x all at same weight
3) 3 RFT
Row 300/240m
15 Deadlift Rx1 205/ 145, Rx2 165/115, Rx3 135/85
9 Burpees Over Bar
6 Hang Cleans - same as above
(Cleans should be heavy)