Wed, Feb 5, 2025


1) 7 mins to complete

400m Run - 20 DL Rx1 225/155, Rx2 185/125, Rx3 155/105 - 200m Run

2 min Rest

2) 7 mins to complete

Bike Erg 1,000/900m - 8 cleans @ same weight Pwr or squat - Bike Erg 500/450m

2 mins Rest

3) 7 mins to complete

Row 500/450m - 4 Snatch @ same weight (PWR or squat) - Row 250/225m

2 mins rest

4) 7 mins to complete

Ski 500/450m - 10 S2O @ same weight - 250/225m

Thurs, Jan 30, 2025


1) 9 min EMOM

Double unders Rx1 75 Rx2 35 Rx3 75 singles

Wallwalks Rx1 4 Rx2 3 Rx3 2

Box Jump Overs 24/20” Rx1 15 Rx2 12 Rx3 8

2) Backsquat

4x2 ascending

3) For Time:

GHDSU Rx1 50 Rx2 40 Rx3 30

10 Deadlifts Rx1 175/125 Rx2 155/105 Dx3 115/75

10 Deadlifts Rx1 225/155 Rx2 175/125 Rx3 135/95

10 Deadlifts Rx1 265/185 Rx2 225/155 Rx3 155/105