Tues, Aug 13, 2019
1)Weighted GHD Holds
4 x 30 sec hold w/1 min rest
Rx1 35/25, Rx2 25/15, Rx3 BW
2) Shoulder Press
5 x 3 ascending (BB cannot touch your shoulders during the set once the set is started. Rep 2 and 3 must start below your nose.)
3) 12 min amrap
C2B pullups Rx1 20, Rx2 10, Rx3 10 pull-ups
10 Power Snatch TNG Rx1 95/65, Rx2 75/55, Rx3 65/45 (if u drop BB /5 Bar facing Burpees)
Bar facing Burpees Rx1 15, Rx2 10, Rx3 7