Fri, Aug 30, 2019
1) 6 min emom
Row Rx1 12/10, Rx2 10/8, Rx3 8/6
LSit 30 sec hold
2)Bench Press
start 50% 1RM add 5% every set
3) DT Ladder
Every 4 mins Do 3 Rnds of
12 Deadlift Rx1 95/65, 135/95, 155/105, 185/130, 205/145 Rx2 75/45, 95/65, 115/85, 135/105, 155/125 Rx3 75/45 (6rnds- 8mins) 115/65 (6 Rnds - 8mins) 135/85
9 HPwr Clean
6 S2O
if you can’t get your 3 Rnds in time your done. You don’t have to wait once the 3 Rnds are complete