Mon, Feb 17, 2020


1) 5RNDs

5 Pwr Cleans 135/95 (TNG)

5 Bar facing Burpees

Rx1 30 sec Rest, Rx2 45 sec Rest , Rx3 1 min

3 mins Rest then

5 Pwr Snatch 135/95

5 Bar Facing Burpees

Rx2 4/4, Rx3 3/3 - 1 min rest between Rnds

2) Squat Complex

OH Sq/Fr Sq/Bk Sq

4 x 9 (3 of each) (40%, 60%, 80% of 1RMBSq) all sets same.

3) Bike

75/60 cals - 6 min cap