Tues, May 19, 2020

1) For Time (1st wkout Boxes 1-5/3rd wkout Boxes 6-10)

25 GHDSU - Cash In


9 Pwr Snatch Rx1 115/75, Rx2 95/65, Rx3 75/55 (have to at least do in sets of 3)

9 Burpee Box jump overs 24/20

25 GHDSU - Cash Out

2) For Time (1st wkout Boxes 6-10/2nd wkout Boxes 1-5)

Rx1 25 Bar Mups, Rx2 35 C2B, Rx3 35 Pull-ups

3) BB complex (2nd wkout Boxes 6-10/3rd wkout Boxes 1-5)

2 Pushpress / 1 Pushjerk/ 1 Split

6 x ascending