Aug 16, 2024


1) 5 x GHD Holds w/DB - hold 30 sec /1 min rest

Rx1 35/20 DB, Rx2 25/10 DB, Rx3 BW hold

One DB hold in a single hand, you can switch hands

2) Bench Press

5 x 2 ascending

3) Row intervals

4 x 25/20 cals + 4 burpees over the Rower

Every 2:00 mins Rx1, Rx2 2:20 Rx 2:40 mins

Mon, Aug 12, 2024


1) 9 min EMOM:

Row cals Rx1 17/14 Rx2 15/12 Rx3 13/10

Wallballs 20/14 Rx1 20 Rx2 17 Rx3 14

Shuttle Runs 40ft (D/B=1) Rx1 5 Rx2 4 Rx 3

2) Backsquat

5x3 ascending

3) 3 Rounds:

15/12 cal Echo Bike

20 kb swings Rx1 70/53 Rx2 62/44 Rx3 53/35

10 goblet Lunges

5 Goblet squats

(Cap 10 mins)

Thurs, Aug 8, 2024


1) 10 min Amrap:

6 Bar facing burpees

5 Power cleans Rx1 115/75 Rx2 95/65 Rx3 75/55

6 Front Rack Lunges

2) Deadlift

5x2 ascending

3) 10min EMOM alt.

Back extension

(:15 hold into 15 back extensions)

Suitcase Carry with kb

(40ft one arm/40ft other arm)

Rx1 80/62 Rx2 70/53 Rx3 62/44

Tues, Aug 6, 2024


1) 15 mins to find a heavy complex:

2 Pushpress + 2 Pushjerks

2) 20min Amrap

(alternating every 5 min between A & B)


16/12 cal Ski

16 Pull-ups

16 Kb swings 53/35


50 Double Unders Rx2 30 Rx3 50 singles

16 Hang Db snatch alt Rx1 70/50 Rx2 50/35 Rx3 35/20

16 Single Arm OH lunges