Fri, Feb 24, 2023


1) Open workout 23.2 A

15 min Amrap

5 burpee pull-ups (pullup bar should be out of your two hand reach)

10 Shuttle runs

After each round add 5 Burpee pull-ups

2) Open workout 23.2 B

5 mins

1 RM Thruster

There is no rest between the workouts

Tues, Feb 21, 2023


1) 4 RFT

15 KB swings 53/35


Row 250/225m

2) BB complex

5 x

2 push jerk/ 2 push press/ 2 push jerk

3) 8 min amrap

8 Sumo Hi pull E 155/105, Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65

8 HSPu E deficit/strict 7”(2 45# plates), Rx1 Strict, Rx2 HSPUs , Rx3 pushups

Mon, Feb 13, 2023


1) Row Sprints

4 x 350/315m

W 1:00 min rest between sets

2) Backsquat

5 x 3 ascending

3) 4 RFT

Wallballs E 25, Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 12

Box jumps E25, Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 12

5 Cleans E 225/155, Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85

Thurs, Feb 9, 2023


1) 9 min Emom

16 DB Clean E 70/50, Rx1 60/40, Rx2 50/35, Rx3 35/20

GHDSU E 20, Rx1 17, Rx2 14, Rx3 12

20 DB Snatch same as above

2) Deadlift

5 x 2 ascending

3) 3 RFT

Bike cals 25/20

Dus E 125, Rx1 75, Rx2 50, Rx3 125 singles

40 ft DB OH lunges E 50/35, Rx1 40/25, Rx2 35/20, Rx3 25/15 (2 DBs)

Tues, Feb 7, 2023


1) Push Press

5 x 4 ascending

2) CrossFit Open 21.3 & 21.4


15 Front squats 95/65

30 T2B

15 Thruster 95/65

Rest 1 min

15 Front squats 95/65

30 C2B pull-ups

15 Thrusters 95/65

Rest 1 min

15 front squats 95/65

30 Bar Mups

15 Thrusters 95/65

15 min time cap

Then go right into 21.4 and you have 7 mins

If you finish before 15 mins, your 7 mins immediately starts

To hit max load of this BB complex



Hang clean


Mon, Feb 6, 2023


1) 3 RFT

20 Wallballs E 30/20 10’ Target

GHDSU E 20, Rx1 17, Rx2 14, Rx3 12

20 KB swings Rx1 70/53, Rx1 62/44, Rx3 53/35, Rx3 44/26

2) Backsquat

6 x 6 ascending

3) 10 min amrap

200 m Run

8 DB thrusters E 70/50, Rx1 60/40, Rx2 50/35, Rx3 35/20

Thurs, Feb 2, 2023


1) CrossFit Open workout 12.1

7 disgusting minutes of Burpees

Jump to a target 6 inches out of your full extended one arm reach

2) Deadlift

5 x 5 ascending

3) 8 min amrap

20 Wallball 20/14# (Elite use 30/20 to 10 ft target)

Ski 250/225m

15 T2B