Fri, Oct 11, 2024

* Class schedule is modified for Friday.

8am, 12:30pm and 4:30pm classes Only


1)Bench Press

5x3 ascending

2)24min EMOM

Bike erg cals Rx1 18/14 Rx2 15/12 Rx3 12/9

Kb swings 53/35# Rx1 18 Rx2 15 Rx3 12

Jumping lunges Rx1 18 Rx2 15 Rx3 12

Row cals Rx1 18/14 Rx2 15/12 Rx3 12/9

Wallballs 20/14# Rx1 18 Rx2 15 Rx3 12

Burpees Rx1 14 Rx2 12 Rx3 9

Mon, Oct 7, 2024


1) 3 RFT (16 min cap)

20 DB snatch Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

40 ft DB lunge (2 DBs) - carry by side

5 DB Devil press

40 Ft DB lunge - same

2) Backsquat

4 x 6 ascending

3) 9 min amrap

Row 500/450m

15 Vups

10 Deadlift Rx1 225/155, Rx2 185/125, Rx3 155/105

Fri, Sept 27, 2024

*we will be back open for 12:30 and afternoon classes


1) For Time:

Ski 500/450m

3 Rounds

12 Db Step ups 20” Rx1 50/35 Rx2 45/25 Rx3 35/20

Box jump overs 24/20” Rx1 12 Rx2 10 Rx3 8

2) Bench Press

5x3 all sets @75-85%

3) 8 min EMOM alternate between

Wallwalks Rx1 4 Rx2 3 Rx3 2

Handstand push-ups Rx1 15 Rx2 8 Rx3 15/12 push-ups