Wed, March 15, 2023
1) Cardio Couplet
Pick two - Row/Ski/Bike/Run
Work for 15 mins
Rest 2 mins
Work for 15 mins
Score- Max distance
Tues, March 14, 2023
1) 6 min Emom
Pull-ups E30, Rx1 25 Rx2 20, Rx3 15
Ski cals 15/12 cals
2) Shoulder Press
5 x 4 ascending
3) 4 RFT
8 hang C/J E 155/105. Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65
10 Sumo Hi pull
Row 250/225m
Mon, March 13, 2023
1) 3 min Emom
12 Fr Rack lunges E 165/115, Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65
1 min rest
3 min Emom
7 squat cleans same weight as above
2) Backsquat
5 x 5 ascending
3) 3 RFT
12 Burpee Box Overs
8 DB Devil Press E 70/50, Rx1 60/40, Rx2 50/30, Rx3 35/20
GHDSU E 35, Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20
Fri, March 10, 2023
1) 3 RFT
Row 500/450m
Rope Climbs E 2 StRict/2 RC, Rx1 1 strict/3 RC, Rx2 4, Rx3 3
12 Hang Cleans E 185/125, Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
2) Bench Press
6 x 2 ascending
3) For Time ( 5 min cap)
E 85 pullups, Rx1 75 pullups, Rx2 65 pullups, Rx3 50 pullups
Thurs, March 9, 2023
1) 3RFT
Wallballs E 35, Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20
If you break your set - double the burpees that round
Target Burpees E 12, Rx1 10, Rx2 8, Rx3 6 (Target =touch pull-up Bar w/both hands)
2) Backsquat
6 x 2 ascending
3) 12 mins
3 Rep max TNG
Power Clean
Wed, March 8, 2023
1) For Time
Run 400m
Sled Push 45/25 D/B
Bike 1,000/900m
Row 500/450m
25 Box Step ups 20”
Ski 500/450m
Tues, March 7, 2023
1) Ski Sprints
5 x 350/315m
W/ 30 sec rest in between sets
2) Push jerk
5 x 3 ascending
3) 3 RFT
C2B pull-ups E 25, Rx1 15, Rx2 25 pullups, Rx3 15 pull-ups
HSW E 80 ft, Rx1 40 Ft, Rx2 15 HSPUs, Rx3 15/10 push-ups
GHDSU E 25, Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 12
Mon, March 6, 2023
1) 6 min emom
6 squat cleansE 225/155 Rx1 185/125, Rx2155/105, rx2?135/95,Rx3 115/75
2) Backsquat
5 x 4 ascending
3) 3RFT
12 Box jumps 24/20”
Bike 30/24 cals
12 Kb swingsE80/62, rx1 70/53, Rx2 62/44,rx3 53/35
Fri, March 3, 2023
WOD ( once done with WOD then Open Gym)
CrossFit Open 23.3
6 min cap
5 Wallwalks
50 Dus
15 Snatches 95/65#
5 Wallwalks
50 Dus
12 Snatches 135/95#
If complete in time cap add 3 mins For
20 Strict HSPUs
50 Dus
9 Snatches 185/125#
If complete in time cap add 3 mins for
20 Strict HSPUs
50 Dus
6 Snatches 225/155#
Thurs, March 2, 2023
1) For Time
125 Situps
2) Front Squat
5 x 3 ascending
3) 3 RFT
12 Deadlift E 315/215, Rx1 275/185, Rx2 245/160, Rx3 205/145
Dus 50
12 Kb swings E 70/53, Rx1 62/44, Rx2 53/35 , Rx3 44/26
WeD, March 1, 2023
1) Bike 125/100 cals
2 mins rest
2) Row 125/100 cals
2 mins rest
3) Ski 125/100 cals
2 mins rest
Run 800m
Tues, Feb 28, 2023
1) 3RFT
25 pull-ups
Row 500/450m
25 push press E 185/125, Rx1 165/110, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
Run 400m
25 hang clean - same as above
50 Dus
Mon, Feb 27, 2023
1)Every 2 mins for 10 mins
6 squat cleans and 8 bar facing burpee
2) Backsquat
5 x 7 ascending
3) 3 RFT
15 Deadlifts E 315/215 , Rx1 275/185 Rx2 245/165 Rx3 205/135
Fri, Feb 24, 2023
1) Open workout 23.2 A
15 min Amrap
5 burpee pull-ups (pullup bar should be out of your two hand reach)
10 Shuttle runs
After each round add 5 Burpee pull-ups
2) Open workout 23.2 B
5 mins
1 RM Thruster
There is no rest between the workouts
Thurs, Feb 23,2023
1) Snatch
15 mins to hit 1 RM
2) Backsquat
4 x 4 same 85%1RM
3) 9 min amrap
DB lunges 40ft 50/35
Dus 100 Rx2 50, Rx3 100 singles
Wed, Feb 22, 2023
1) 3 RFT
Run 400m
Bike 1,000/900m
Rower 500/450m
Ski 500/450m
2 mins Rest
Tues, Feb 21, 2023
1) 4 RFT
15 KB swings 53/35
Row 250/225m
2) BB complex
5 x
2 push jerk/ 2 push press/ 2 push jerk
3) 8 min amrap
8 Sumo Hi pull E 155/105, Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65
8 HSPu E deficit/strict 7”(2 45# plates), Rx1 Strict, Rx2 HSPUs , Rx3 pushups
Monday, Feb 20, 2023