Fri, March 7, 2025


1) CrossFit Open 25.2

For time:

21 pull-ups

42 double-unders

21 thrusters (weight 1)

18 chest-to-bar pull-ups

36 double-unders

18 thrusters (weight 2)

15 bar muscle-ups

30 double-unders

15 thrusters (weight 3)

Time cap: 12 minutes

♀ 65, 75, 85 lb (29, 34, 38 kg)

♂ 95, 115, 135 lb (43, 52, 61 kg)


THURS, Feb 20, 2025

1) For Time

21 reps of

Thrusters Rx1 115/75, Rx2 95/65, Rx3 75/55


Bike Erg cals

Then 15 reps of

Hang Snatch Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65

Rx1 C2B pull-ups, Rx2/3 pull-ups

Bike Erg cals

9 reps of

Deadlift Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/95

Bar Mups, Rx2 C2B pull-ups, Rx3 pull-ups

Bike Erg cals

2) Backsquat

5 x 2 ascending

3) 4RFT

6 reps Rx1 OH squat, Rx2 squat clean, Rx3 front squat 135/95#

10 Shuttle runs D/B


Tues, Feb 18, 2025


1) 9 min Amrap

20/16 ski cals

Rx1 C2B 20 pull-ups, Rx2 20 pull-ups, Rx3 15 pull-ups

Rx1 20 HSPus, Rx2 15 HSPus, Rx3 20/15 push ups

2) Clean & Jerk

15 mins find one rep max

3) 3 RFT

10 Sumo hi pulls Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65

Bar facing Burpees Rx1 10, Rx2 8, Rx3 6

Vups Rx1 10, Rx2 8, Rx6

Run 200m


Mon, Feb 17, 2025


1) 2 RFT

20 Kb swing Rx1 70/53, Rx2 62/44, Rx3 53/35

20 KB Deadlift

20 Kb lunge Rx1 Overhead, Rx2 shoulder, Rx3 suitcase

Row 500/450m

2) Front squat

5 x 4 ascending

3) For Time

Bike Erg cals - Tabata

8 Rnds - 20sec ME /10 sec rest

3 mins rest

Ski Cals - Tabata

8 Rnds - 20sec ME/10 sec rest


Tues, Feb 11, 2025



1) (:30on/:30off) x5 Movement #1

2:00 rest

(:30on/:30off) x5 Movement #2

Choose 2 bodyweight movements to practice


-Muscle ups

-toes to bar



-double unders

-handstand walk



2) Pushpress

5x2 ascending

3) Linda V.2


Deadlift Rx1 265/185 Rx2 205/155 Rx3 175/105

Db Bench press Rx1 50/35 Rx2 40/25 Rx3 35/20

Power snatch Rx1 115/75 Rx2 95/65 Rx3 75/55

(Cap 13 mins)
