1) 12 min amrap
Wallballs Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
T2B Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 10
Ski Cals 20/16
2) Backsquat
5 x 5 ascending
3) 3 RFT
20 One arm alt DB snatch Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20
10 Box jump overs 24/20
Row 250/225m
1) 12 min amrap
Wallballs Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25
T2B Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 10
Ski Cals 20/16
2) Backsquat
5 x 5 ascending
3) 3 RFT
20 One arm alt DB snatch Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20
10 Box jump overs 24/20
Row 250/225m
1) CrossFit Open 25.2
For time:
21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)
Time cap: 12 minutes
♀ 65, 75, 85 lb (29, 34, 38 kg)
♂ 95, 115, 135 lb (43, 52, 61 kg)
1) 6 min Emom
5 Squat cleans Rx1 155/105, Rx 135/95, Rx3 115/75
10 Fr Fwd Lunges - same
2) Pwr Clean
5 x 3 TNG (touch and go reps) ascending
3) Bike Sprints for cals
10 X 1 min on /30 sec off Rx1 26/21, Rx2 24/19, Rx3 22/17
1) 35 min Amrap
Bike Erg 1,500/1,350m
15 Burpee Box overs
Bike Echo 1,500/1,350m
15 Burpee Box Overs
Row 750/675m
Sled Push D/B 45/25
Ski 750/675m
Sled Push D/B 45/25
1) For Time
21, 15,9 reps of
Ski cals
Kb swing Rx1 70/53, Rx2 62/44, Rx3 53/35
2) Shoulder Press
5 x 4 ascending
3) 4 RFT
Wallwalks Rx1 5, Rx2 4, Rx3 3
Dus Rx1 75, Rx2 50, Rx3 75 singles
Run 200m
1) For Time
21, 15,9 reps of
Ski cals
Kb swing Rx1 70/53, Rx2 62/44, Rx3 53/35
2) Shoulder Press
5 x 4 ascending
3) 4 RFT
Wallwalks Rx1 5, Rx2 4, Rx3 3
Dus Rx1 75, Rx2 50, Rx3 75 singles
Run 200m
1) For Time
21, 15,9 reps of
Row Cals
Wallballs 20/14
2) Deadlift
5 x 4 ascending
3) 4 RFT
8 reps Pwr cleans Rx1 155/105 , Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
Bike Erg Rx1 20/16 cals
1) For Time
Bike Erg 4 x 1,000/900m
W/1 min rest
2) Front Squat
4 x 4 @80%
3) 3 RFT
8 Deadlifts Rx1 185/125, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
6 Pwr Cleans
4 S2O
Burpees Rx1 10, Rx2 8, Rx3 6
Ski 250/225m
1) For Time
5 x 750/675m sprints
W/1 min rest between sprints
2) Bench Press
5 x 2 ascending
3) 4RFT
GHD Hold 30 sec
1 min rest (during 1 min rest do pushups Rx1 15/10, Rx2 12/8, Rx3 9/6 )
1) For Time
21 reps of
Thrusters Rx1 115/75, Rx2 95/65, Rx3 75/55
Bike Erg cals
Then 15 reps of
Hang Snatch Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65
Rx1 C2B pull-ups, Rx2/3 pull-ups
Bike Erg cals
9 reps of
Deadlift Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/95
Bar Mups, Rx2 C2B pull-ups, Rx3 pull-ups
Bike Erg cals
2) Backsquat
5 x 2 ascending
3) 4RFT
6 reps Rx1 OH squat, Rx2 squat clean, Rx3 front squat 135/95#
10 Shuttle runs D/B
1) 2 RFT
50 sit-ups (no GHD)
Bike Erg 50/40 cals
Bike Echo 50/40 cals
Row 50/40 cals
Ski 50/40 cals
50 BK extn GHD
1) 9 min Amrap
20/16 ski cals
Rx1 C2B 20 pull-ups, Rx2 20 pull-ups, Rx3 15 pull-ups
Rx1 20 HSPus, Rx2 15 HSPus, Rx3 20/15 push ups
2) Clean & Jerk
15 mins find one rep max
3) 3 RFT
10 Sumo hi pulls Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65
Bar facing Burpees Rx1 10, Rx2 8, Rx3 6
Vups Rx1 10, Rx2 8, Rx6
Run 200m
1) 2 RFT
20 Kb swing Rx1 70/53, Rx2 62/44, Rx3 53/35
20 KB Deadlift
20 Kb lunge Rx1 Overhead, Rx2 shoulder, Rx3 suitcase
Row 500/450m
2) Front squat
5 x 4 ascending
3) For Time
Bike Erg cals - Tabata
8 Rnds - 20sec ME /10 sec rest
3 mins rest
Ski Cals - Tabata
8 Rnds - 20sec ME/10 sec rest