Mon, June 24, 2024


1) 2 RFT

Rower 500/450m

Wallballs Rx1 40, Rx2 30, Rx3 20

Box stepups Rx1 40, Rx2 30, Rx3 20

2) Backsquat

5 x 4 ascending

3) 5 min Emom

10 Front rack lunges Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/85, Rx3 115/65

Fri, June 14, 2024


1) 3 Rnds

GHD Holds - 30 sec w/1 min rest


3 Rnds

Lsit - 30 sec hold w/1 min rest

2) Bench Press

5 x 3 ascending

3) 3 Rnds

Row 350/315m

8 Burpees over Rower

2 mins rest then

3 Rnds

Ski 350/315m

12 One arm alt DB Snatch Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

Wed, June 12, 2024


1) 3 RFT (40 min cap)

Bike Echo 35/28 cals

25 Kb Deadlifts Rx1 53/35#, Rx2 44/26, Rx3 35/20

Bike Erg 35/28 cals

20 KB swings Rx1 53/35#, Rx2 44/26, Rx3 35/20

Row 35/28 cals

15 KB goblet squats Rx1 53/35# , Rx2 44/26, Rx3 35/20

Ski 35/28 cals

10 KB Fwd in place lunges Rx1 53/35#, Rx2 44/26, Rx3 35/20

Mon, June 10, 2024


1) 3 RFT

Bike Echo Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20

80ft DB Walking lunges Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

2) Back Squat

2 x 8 65% 1RM

2 x 6 75% 1RM

2 x 4 85% 1RM

3) 2 RFT

Wallballs Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20

GHDSu Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20

Dus Rx1 100, Rx2 50, Rx3 100 singles

Thurs, June 6, 2024


1) 3 min EMOM
5 clean and jerks TNG Rx1 155/105 Rx2 135/85 Rx3 115/65

Straight into..

3 min EMOM
3 clean and jerks TNG Rx1 185/135 Rx2 155/105 Rx3 135/85

3 min EMOM
1 clean and jerk Rx1 215/155 Rx2 185/125 Rx3 145/95

2) Front Squat

4x2 ascending

3) For Time

Buy in: 80ft DB FR Lunge Rx1 50/35 Rx2 40/25 Rx3 35/20

2 Rounds

20 Box jump overs(step down) 24/20”

10 DB Thrusters

Cash out: 80ft DB FR Lunge

(Cap 9 mins)

Thurs, May 30,2024


1) 8 min Emom

12 Fr Lunges -odd min

5 squat cleans - even min

Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/85, Rx3 115/65

2) Deadlift

4 x 8 ascending

3) 4 RFT

10 DB cleans (2 DBs) Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

Box jumps Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 12

20 DB Snatch - same weight (one DB)

Tues, May 28, 2024


1) 3 RFT

SKi 350/315M

Wallballs Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

T2B Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

2) Push Press

5 x 3 ascending

3) 9 min amrap

Bike Erg Rx1 25/20 cals, Rx2 20/16, Rx3 15/12 cals

6 Ground to OH Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/85, Rx3 115/65

Burpees over the Bar Rx1 12, Rx2 10, Rx3 8