Monday, June 17, 2019


1)6 min emom

Odd min

5 Pwr Snatch /4 Bar facing Burpees  

Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/55

Even min

10 Pwr Clean / 4 Bar facing Burpees

2) Backsquat

6 x 3 ascending  

3)3 RFT

15 Squat Box Jumps 24/20

T2B Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 10

Row cals Rx1 25/20, Rx2 20/16, Rx3 15/12

Friday, June 14, 2019


1) Sled Pull/Drag  

5 x D/B 25/Empty

2)Bike/Bench x 5 

 Bike Rx1 30/24 cals , Rx2 Rx2 25/20 cals, Rx3 20/16 cals  

Bench Press 5 Reps Rx1 225/135, Rx2 195/105, Rx3 165/75

Each Round needs to be completed in 3 mins  

3) 10 min amrap  

10 Slamball Rx1 150/100, Rx2 100/70, Rx3 70/50

Hspus Rx1 18, Rx2 9, Rx3 18/12 push-ups 



Monday, June 10, 2019


1)  8 min emom

Kb swings 53/35 Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14

2 Backsquat  holds in Bottom Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85 - 15 sec hold/15 Rest /15 sec hold 

2) Backsquat

Superset   10 reps @ 60 then 2 reps @ 85%

(So a set of 10 add weight then immediately set of 2)  

4 x all at same weight

3) 3 RFT 

Row 300/240m 

15 Deadlift Rx1 205/ 145, Rx2 165/115, Rx3 135/85

9 Burpees Over Bar 

6 Hang Cleans - same as above

 (Cleans should be heavy) 



Tuesday, June 4, 2019


1) 3 RFT

Strict Pullups - Max Effort

1 min Rest  

Strict HSPUs - Max Effort Rx2 pushups  

1 min Rest  

2)  From The Ground - 6 sets ascending 

3 Pushpress / 1 split  

3) Row/Ski Intervals

750 m

1 min Rest  

500 m  

1 min rest

250 m  

1 min rest  

then same intervals on Ski  


Saturday June 1, 2019


9 min amrap  - Street

Sled Drag - 200m Backwards  (Go towards Lakeview) 90/70

Yoke Carry - 200m (Start at North driveway/Old Box) 100/Empty

Run 200m  

2 mins transition

9 min amrap - Yard  

shuttle Run -each partner

20 T2B

shuttle Run  

30 Pull-ups 

shuttle Run  

Lunges D/B - one partner lunges down and one partner lunges back

2 mins - transition  

9 min Amrap - Box  

Slamball Toss - 6 x 40 feet (3 each)

20 Bear Complex 95/65

40/32 Bike Cals  


Friday, May 31, 2019


1) Ski Tabata  - Max Calories (No reset)

3 mins Rest

Row Tabata  - Max Calories (No reset)

2)Bench Press

7 x 2 ascending  

3)  3 RFT

10 Slamball  Rx1 150/100, Rx2 100/70, Rx3 70/50

PegBoard Rx1 3, Rx2 1, Rx3 3RC

10 Db Hang Clean/Jerk Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Time Cap 30 mins 

Run 400m

25 Box Jumps 24/20

25 Wallballs 20/14

25 KB swings 53/35  

Ski 500/450m

25 Box Jumps  

25 Wallballs  

25 KB swings  

Row 500/450m  

25 Box jumps  

25 Wallballs  

25 KB swings  

Bike 1/.9 mile

25 Box Jumps  

25 Wallballs  

25 KB swings