Fri, Feb 4, 2022
4 x 30 sec
1 min between sets
2) bench press
4 x 6 same 75% 1RM
3)3 RFT
25 pull-ups
10Pwr snatches RX1 185/125, Rx2 155/105,Rx3 95/65
4 x 30 sec
1 min between sets
2) bench press
4 x 6 same 75% 1RM
3)3 RFT
25 pull-ups
10Pwr snatches RX1 185/125, Rx2 155/105,Rx3 95/65
1) 3 RFT
80 FT Fr rack lunges Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20
T2B Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14
Row 250/225m
2) Deadlift
4 x 6 same 75% 1RM
3) 5 RFT
Sled Push D/B 45/25#
Run 2 laps
Pick 2
Rx1 2 miles, Rx2 1 3/4 mi. , Rx3 1 1/2 mi.
Rx1 300/240 cals, Rx2 275/220 , Rx3 250/200
Rx1 275/220, Rx2 250/200, Rx3 225/180
Ski 250/200, Rx3 225/180, Rx3 200/160
1) RFT
Rx1 4Rounds, Rx2 3 Rounds Rx2 2 Rounds
Row 500/450m
12 Devil Press 50/35
2) Push Press
4 x 6 same weight
3) For Time 12 min cap
1 Rope Climb Rx1 LL
5 Squat Clean Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85
2 Rope climbs Rx1 LL
4 Squat cleans Rx1 205/145, Rx2 175/125, Rx3 155/105
3 Rope Climbs Rx1 LL
3 Squat Cleans Rx1 225/160, Rx3 195/135, Rx3 165/115
4 Rope Climbs LL
2 Squat cleans Rx1 245/175, Rx2 215/145, Rx3 175/125
5 Rope Climbs LL
1 Squat Clean Rx1 265/195, Rx2 235/160, Rx3 185/135
1) 8 min Emom
8 Pwr Clean Rx1 165/115 Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
set has to be TNG - if bar drop u owe 3 bar over burpees during same min
GHDSU Rx1 18, Rx2 15, Rx3 12
2) Backsquat
4 x 6 same 75% 1RM
3)4 RFT
Bike Rx1 25/20 cals
15 Slamballs 70/50
1) 9 min amrap
3 HSPUs (push-ups start at 6/3 - guys add 3/girls add2 )
3 Pwr cleans Rx1 205/145, Rx2 165/115, Rx3 135/95
every round add 3 reps
2) Bench Press
4 x 10 add 20/10# each set
3) For Time
20/15 Strict Pull-ups
2:00 mins rest then
50 reps
Rx1 10 Bar Mups/20 C2B/20 pull-ups, Rx2 30 C2B/ 20 pull-ups , Rx 50 pull-ups
1) Front Squat
5 x 5 ascending
2) Sprints for Time
4 x 400m
1:00 min rest between sprint
3) 3 RFT
15 OH squats Rx1 185/130, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 115/75
10 Burpees over the Bar
Bike 75/60cals
Rest one min
Row 75/60cals
Rest one min
Ski 75/60 cals
Rest one min
1) Shoulder Press
6 x 3 ascending
2) DT
5 Rounds
12 Deadlift Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
9 Hang Pwr Cleans
6 S2O
3 mins rest
Then 5 mins to hit Max C/J
2 mins rest
Then 1,000/900m Row for time
1) 3 RFT
Bike 25/20 cals
20 T2B
Wballs Rx1 50, Rx2 40, Rx3 30 29/14#
2) Backsquat
5 x 3 same (80% 1RM)
3) 3 RFT
15 Thrusters Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65
15 C2B Rx2 15 pull-ups , Rx3 15 banded pull-ups
Row 15/12 cals
1) 3 RFT
10 S2O Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
Strict pull-ups Rx1 10/7, Rx2 7/4, Rx3 Kipping 10
2) Bench Press
3 x 10 same 70% 1RM
3) For Time
Row 30/24 cals then 30 sec rest
Row 20/16 cals then 15 sec rest
Row 10/8 cals
1) 8 min Emom
6 squat cleans Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
10 Fr rack lunges
2) Backsquat
3 x 10 same 70% 1RM
3) 3 RFT
6 Pwr Cleans Rx1 225/160, Rx2 185/130, Rx3 155/105
100 Dus Rx2 50 Dus, Rx3 200 singles
Run 400m
25 Wballs
Bike 1,000/900m
25 Box jumps
Ski 500/450m
25 Kb swings 53/35
Row 500/450m
1) 6 min Emom
10 Oh squat Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65
10 hang Pwr Snatch
2) Push jerk
5 x 4 ascending (before every set 10/5 push-ups)
3) 3 RFT
Ski 250/225m
20 alt DB One arm snatch Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20
10 Burpees
1) For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20
2) Backsquat
6 x 2 ascending
3) For Time
Bike 100/80 cals
1) Lsit
5 x 30 sec hold
1 min rest
2) Bench Press
5 x 5 same 80%1RM
3) 3 RFT
10 Power Snatch 115/75
Rope Climbs Rx1 4, Rx2 2, Rx3 1
10 Slamballs 70/50
1) 3 RFT
15 Power Clean Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
10 Bar facing Burpees
2) Front squat 6 x 4 ascending
3) 9 min amrap
Run 200m
15 box jumps 24/20
25 situps
Chasing 500 (35 min cap)
For Time
Bike /Row/Ski
Switching machines every 5 mins. Coaches take total for athlete every switch to do math.
When athlete reaches 500/450 total cals they are finished
1) 3 RFT
Hspus Rx1 25, Rx2 15, Rx3 25/15 push-ups
8 Power Snatches Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
2) Push Press
5 x 5 ascending
3) Ski Sprint
1) 3 RFT
10 DB cleans Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20
20 DB Step ups - Both DB however u wanna hold
Bike 1,000/900m
2) Deadlift
5 x 8 ascending
3) 2 RFT
25 T2B
25 Wallballs 20/14#
25 KB swings 53/35