Mon, Jan 6, 2025


1) 2 RFT

20 Jumping Lunges

Echo Cals Rx1 30/24, Rx2 25/20, Rx3 20/16

10 Squat cleans Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/55

2) Backsquat

5 x 4 ascending

3) For Time

50 KB Deadlifts Rx1 70/53, Rx2 62/44, Rx3 53/35

40 KB Kb swings

30 KB Goblet squats

20 KB front rack lunges

10 KB weighted sit-ups

Thurs, Jan 2, 2024

8&9am only. Back to normal schedule on Friday


1) For time:
10 snatches Rx1 155/105 Rx2 135/85 Rx3 95/65
25 air squats
8 snatches
25 air squat
6 snatches
25 air squats
4 snatches
25 air squats
2 snatches

2) Front Squat

4x2 ascending

3) For Time:

800m Run

Toes to bar Rx1 50 Rx2 35 Rx3 25

50 kettlebell swings 53/35

(Cap 12 mins)

Mon, Dec 30, 2024


1) Backsquats

2x7 @60%

2x5 @70%

2x3 @80%

2) 24min EMOM:

6 Power Cleans Rx1 205/145 Rx2 175/125 Rx3 135/85

Row Rx1 15/12 cals Rx2 12/10 Rx3 10/8

Double Unders Rx1 60 Rx2 30 Rx3 60 singles

Echo Bike Rx1 15/12cals Rx2 12/10 Rx3 10/8

12 DB Box Step ups 20” Rx1 50/35 Rx2 45/25 Rx3 35/20


Mon, Dec 23, 2024


1) 2 RFT

Row 500/450m

10 Deadlift Rx1 275/185, Rx2 225/155, Rx3 185/125

12 Burpees over the Bar

2) Front squat

5 x 3 ascending

3) 4 Rnds

Bike Erg 750/675m

Dus Rx1 75, Rx2 50, Rx3 75 singles

8 (single arm - do all reps in a set w/same arm) DB thrusters Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20 (each round change arms)

T2B Rx1 15. Rx2 12, Rx3 9

Fri, Dec 20, 2024


1) For Time:

Ghdsu Rx1 50 Rx2 40 Rx3 30

Wallwalks Rx1 10 Rx2 7 Rx3 5

20 Hspu Rx1 wallfacing Rx2 kipping Rx3 40/30 push-ups

(Time cap 9 min cap)

2) Bench Press

5x2 ascending

3) 9min AMRAP:

10 Sumo hi pulls Rx1 135/95 Rx2 115/75 Rx3 95/65

30 Bar hops (every hop= 1 rep):6

Rope climbs Rx1 3 Rx2 2 Rx3 1

Mon, Dec 16, 2024



1) For Time:

400m Run

21 Front Squats 135/95 Rx2 115/75 Rx3 95/55

200m Run

15 Front Squats

100m Run (yellow mailbox)

9 Front Squats

Time cap 10 minutes

2) Every 2mins for 5 sets

3 Power Cleans @75% of 1RM

3) 2 Rounds:

500/450m Row

Burpee pullups Rx1 15 Rx2 12 Rx3 10

Toes to Bar Rx1 20 Rx2 16 Rx3 12

Tues, Dec 10, 2024


1) 25 min Emom

1st min - C2B Pull-ups Rx1 18, Rx2 12, Rx3 12 pull-ups

2nd min - Row Rx1 18/14 cals , Rx2 16/12 cals, Rx3 14/10 cals

3rd min - Wallwalks Rx1 4, Rx2 3, Rx3 2

4th min - DB Snatch Rx1 18, Rx2 16, Rx3 14 50/35#

5th min - Rest

2) BB complex

5 x 2 push press/2 push jerk
