Tues, NOV, 12, 2024


1) 3 RFT

Row 250/225m

20 One arm DB snatch Rx1 70/50, Rx2 60/40, Rx3 50/25

20 HSPus Rx2 12 HSPus , Rx3 20/15 push-ups

2) Shoulder Press

5 x 2 ascending

3) 11 min Amrap

10 Sumo Hi Pull Rx1 115/75, Rx2 95/65, Rx3 75/55

20 Box jump overs 24/20

10 Hang Clean /Jerk - same

5 Burpees over Bar

Fri, Nov 8, 2024


1) 8 min EMOM:

Shuttle Run d/b Rx1 6 Rx2 5 Rx3 4

15 Single arm Hang Clean and jerks

15 Single arm Hang Clean and jerks (on other arm)

10 Turkish sit-ups with db

Rx1 45/25 Rx2 35/20 Rx3 25/15

2) Bench

10-8-6-4-2 ascending

3) 8 min EMOM

Bar hang Rx1 :40 Rx2 :30 Rx3 :20

Handstand hold against wall Rx1 :40 Rx2 :30 Rx3 :30 plank

Wed, Nov 6, 2024


For Time:

Buy in: 800 meter run with Sandbag or Wallball Rx1 30/20# Rx2 20/14#

40 ground to overhead with plate Rx1 45/35# Rx2 35/25

1000/900m BikeErg

30 ground to overhead

1.0/.9km Echo Bike

20 ground to overhead

1000/900m BikeErg

10 ground to overhead

Cashout 800 meter run with sandbag or WB

*Rx+ with a vest 20/14

Thurs, Oct 31, 2024

No 6:30pm class today


1) Back Squat

4x2 ascending

2) “Humans vs Zombies”

For Time:

400m Run

50 air squats

40 sit-ups

30 step ups 24/20”

20 burpees

10 pushpress Rx1 135/95 Rx2 115/75 Rx3 95/65

20 front squats

30 hang cleans

40 deadlifts

50 over the bar hops

400m Run

*Humans start the workout in the first group at 0:00, and then the zombies start at 3:00 and try to catch them through the workout.  If a human gets caught by a zombie they have to do 20 burpees at the end of the workout.  If a zombie does NOT catch anyone, they have to do 20 burpees at the end. The only people that do not have to do burpees is if a zombie catches a human or a human does not get caught by any of the zombies. Humans and Zombies will be determined by the coach. People can volunteer to be a zombie or they will be selected randomly. There will be on average 1 zombie for every 3 humans(this may be adjusted due to class size).

WED, Oct 30, 2024


1) 30 min amrap

Run 200m (100 Fwd/100 Bkwd)

Echo Bike 1,000/900m

10 KB side squats 70/53, Rx2 62/44, Rx3 53/35

Bike Erg 1,000/900m

10 KB side squats - same as above

Row 500/450m

10 plank DB rows Rx1 50/35, Rx2,40/25, Rx3 35/20

Ski 500/450m

10 plank DB rows - same as above

Mon, Oct 28, 2024


1) 3 RFT

Wallballs Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25 20/14#

Run 200m

T2B Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

2) PWR Clean

12 mins to reach 2 rep TNG max

3) For Time

100 Dus Rx2 65 Dus, Rx3 150 singles

80ft Front rack DB lunges (2 DBs)

10 burpees

80ft Oh DB lunges (single DB)

10 Burpees

80 Ft Body weight lunges (no DB)

10 Burpees

100 Dus Rx2 65 Dus, Rx3 150 singles

Thurs, Oct 24, 2024


1) 3 Rounds:

10 Single Arm hang db cleans Rx1 70/50 Rx2 50/35 Rx3 40/25

Sled push- down the parking lot

20 Single Arm db push press

Sled push- back up the parking lot

*sled is empty expect for your db that you’ll place on the sled for the push


4x3 @80%

3) 10 min AMRAP

250/225m Ski

50 Double Unders

10 Hang snatch 75/55

Tues, Oct 22, 2024


1) 5 sets:

2 Push jerks + 1 Split Jerk

2) WZA Online Qualifier Wod 3

For Time:

50 Toes to Bar

70 Box Jump Overs 24/20” *step down

90 Alt. DB Snatches Rx1 50/35 Rx2 45/25 Rx3 35/20

(Time cap 20 mins)

“Pick your poison”

Option 1- Straight through

Option 2 – 2 Rounds of 15-35-45

Option 3 – 10 Rounds of 5-7-9

*must pick one of the 3 options

Mon, Oct 21, 2024


1)For time

Buy in: 400m Run

3 Rounds

5 Power Cleans Rx1 225/155 Rx2 175/125 Rx3 135/95

Burpees over the bar Rx1 10 Rx2 8 Rx3 6

Cash out:  400m Run

2) Front squat

4x3 @80%

3) Every 3 mins x4

20 Wallballs Rx1 30/20 Rx2 20/14 10’ Rx3 20/14 9’

80ft Handstand walk rx2 3 wallwalks Rx3 5 inchworms

Thurs, Oct 17, 2024


1) 2 RFT

Use one DB for all movements

10 DB hang clean/jerk Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

OH DB lunge -40 ft - same #

10 DB Thruster - do 5 reps then switch - same#

OH DB lunge - 40 ft - same #

2) Deadlift

6 x 2 ascending

3) 11 min amrap

Echo Bike Rx1 30/24, Rx2 25/20, Rx3 20/16 cals

Du Rx1 100, Rx2 50, Rx3 150 singles

Air squats Rx1 50, Rx2 40, Rx3 30