1) 3 RFT
8 Burpees over Box
16 Pistols
32/25 cals on Bike Erg
2) Backsquat
5 x 2 ascending
3) 4 RFT
5 Thrusters Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75 Rx3 95/55
50 Dus
Row 250/225m
1) 3 RFT
8 Burpees over Box
16 Pistols
32/25 cals on Bike Erg
2) Backsquat
5 x 2 ascending
3) 4 RFT
5 Thrusters Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75 Rx3 95/55
50 Dus
Row 250/225m
Fri, July12, 2024
1) 3 Rnds
GHD Hold
30 sec hold /1 min rest
3 Rnds
30 sec hold/1 min rest
2) Bench Press
5 x 4 ascending
3) 3 RFT
Ski 250/225M
6 Sumo Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/55
Row 250/225m
12 S2O same
Thurs, July 11, 2024
1) 7 min amrap
8 Pwr Cleans Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 115/75
20 Box jump overs 24/20
2) Deadlifts
6 x 3 ascending
3) 2 RFT
Row 50/40 cals
Wallballs Rx1 50, Rx2 40, Rx3 30
T2B Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 10
Wed, July 10, 2024
3 Rnds or 40 min cap
ECHO Bike 1,000/900m
5 Burpees
Erg Bike 1,000/900m
15 jumping lunges
Row 500/450m
15 jumping lunges
Ski 500/450m
5 Burpees
Run 400m (push sled at either beginning or end of run. If push at the beginning of run leave sled at “turnaround” Cone and if at end of run push from “turnaround cone to start cone) 45/25#
Tues, June 9, 2024
1) 3 RFT
Ski 350/315m
Pull-ups Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 10
20 KB swings Rx1 70/53, Rx2 62/44, Rx3 53/35
2) Push Press
5 x 5 ascending
3) 4 RFT
8 Hang Power Snatch Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/55
8 Burpees over Bar
Dus Rx1 75, Rx2 50, Rx3 100 singles
Mon July 8, 2024
1) 12 min Emom
5 Squat cleans Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/85, Rx3 115/65
Row Rx1 18/14 cals, Rx2 16/12, Rx3 14/10
10 Fr Fwd Lunges - same weight
GHDSU Rx1 18, Rx2 16, Rx3 14
2) Frontsquat
5 x 3 ascending
3) Bike Erg
5 x :30 sec w/1 min rest
Rx1 24/20 cals, Rx2 22/18 cals, Rx3 20/16 cals
Fri, June 28, 2024
1) 4 RFT
Row 30/24 cals
W/1 min rest between
2) Bench press
6 x 2 ascending
3) 2 RFT
Ski 500/450m
Pull-ups Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20
Wallwalks Rx1 5, Rx2 4, Rx3 3
Dus Rx1 100, Rx2 75, Rx3 200singles
Thurs,June 27,2024
1) GHD Holds
5 x 30 sec hold w/1 min rest
2) Deadlift
6 x 2 ascending
3) 4 RFT
2 Rounds of
5 Pwr cleans Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85
20/16 cals on Erg Bike
10 Burpees over Bar
2 Rounds of same as above but switch Bikes
20/16 cals on ECHo Bike
Wed June 26, 2024
1) For Tlme
100 sit-ups
Run 400m
Bike Echo 1,000m
Bike Erg 1,000m
Row 500/450m
Ski 500/450m
50 sit-ups
Run 200m
Bike Echo 500m
Bike Erg 500m
Row 250/225m
Ski 250/225m
25 Sit-ups
Run 100m
Bike Echo 250/225m
Bike Erg 250/225m
Row 125/112m
Ski 125/112m
Tues, June 25, 2024
1) 3 RFT
Ski 20/16cals
20 Kb Swings
10 S2O KB (5 reps on each side)
5 Burpees
2) Pushjerk
5 x 3 ascending
3) Power Snatch
5 x 3 - TNg every 1:30
Ascending to heavy set of 3