FRI, JULY 17, 2020
1) 8 min Emom
Lsit 30 sec
Peg Board Rx1 2, Rx2 1, Rx3 5 strict Pullups
2) Bench Press
1 RM
3) 4 RFT
10 Ground to OH Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75. Rx3 95/65
50 Dus
1) 8 min Emom
Lsit 30 sec
Peg Board Rx1 2, Rx2 1, Rx3 5 strict Pullups
2) Bench Press
1 RM
3) 4 RFT
10 Ground to OH Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75. Rx3 95/65
50 Dus
1) Tabata Each of these
1 min rest
1 min rest
Bike cals
2) Backsquat
1 RM
3) Sprints
Run 200m x 5
rest 30 secs between
Run 800m
20 Slamballs O/S Rx1 70/50 Rx2/3 50/35
Bike 2/1.8m
20 D/B Snatch alt Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20
80 Ft D/B O/H Lunge Single Arm - same #
Row 1000/900m
1) 4 RFT
Row 250/225m
6 Pwr Cleans Rx1 205/145, Rx2 175/115, Rx3 155/105
2) Bench Press
5 x 5 ascending
3) 4,RFT
Ski 250/225m
6 Pwr Snatch Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/85, Rx3 115/75
1) For Time
50 Wallballs Rx1 30/20, Rx2/3 20/14
50 Box jumps
50 KB swings 53/35
2) Backsquat
5 x 5 ascending
3) Sled Work
3 RFT (12 min cap)
Run 1 lap around Turf
Push Down Sled 45/25#
Pull Back sled 45/25
Run 1 lap around Turf
1) 9 min Emom
Rope Climbs Rx1 3, Rx2 2, Rx3 1
GHDSU Rx1 20, Rx2 16, Rx3 12
Push Press 75/55# Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15
2) 6 x 3 ascending
3) Grace
For Time
30 C/J 135/95#
1) Franish (Rx1 under 6 mins Fran PR, Rx2 under 9 mins, Rx3 above 9 mins
20 T2B - Rx1 and Rx2 only
Rx1, Rx2, and Rx3
21, 15, 9 reps of
Thrusters and Pullups 95/65#
Rx1 only
20 Pwr Snatch 95/65#
2) Backsquat
6 x 3 ascending
3) Diane
21, 15, 9 reps of
Deadlift 225/155#
1) 2 RFT (40 min cap)
Run 800m
Wallball 20/14# Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20
Bike 2/1.8 m
Box jump 24/20” Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20
Ski 1,000/900
KB swing 53/35# Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20
Row 1,000/900m
1) Ghd Holds
4 x 30 sec Rx1 45/25, Rx2 35/15, Rx3 25/10
w/ 1 min rest between sets
2) BB complex
5 x 3PP/1 split - ascending
3) For Time
Ski 500/450m - Buy in
20 Deadlifts Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85
15 Pullups
10 HSPus
5 Pwr cleans - same weight
Row 500/450m - Cash out
1) 8 in EMOM
10 Front rack forward lunges Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
Box jump overs 36/30 Rx1 10 Rx2 8, Rx3 6
2) OHsquat /Front squat
5 x 4 ascending..if u can’t OH squat sub Front squat
3) Snatch
12 mins work up to Heavy Single
1)Open WOD 14.1
10 min amrap
30 Dus (scale is jumping on 2- 45# plates while holding 5# plates in each hand OH..NOT singles)
15 Pwr Snatch 75/55#
2) Bench Press
3 x 15 same
3) For Time
Ski 100/80 cals
1) For Time
250 sit-ups
2) Backsquat
3 x 15 same
10 Prw Clean
20 Pistols
20/16 Bike cals
Terrible Twos
Run 2 miles
200 Dus ( scale to 400 singles)
2k Row
1) For Time
Row 500/450m
30 Kb Swings 53/35
Ski 500/450m
30 KB swings 53/35
2) Pushpress
6 x 3 ascending
3) 12 min amrap
Each Round add 2 reps
Hspus Rx1 10, Rx2 5, Rx3 push-ups 10/7
20 DB Snatch Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20
1) 9 min EMOM
Wallballs - Use 30/20# Rx1 15, Rx2 12, Rx3 10
GHDSU Rx1 15, Rx2 12, Rx3 10
TNG Squat Cleans - 6 Reps Rx1 165/110, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75 - if u drop Bbell 5 burpees
2) Backsquat
6 x 3 ascending
3) SLED Buffet
Sled Push D/B 45/25 at every cone do Rx1 5 burpees Rx2 4 burps, Rx3 3
Sled Push D/B 45/25 (Press the Sled = shoulders are touching poles then extend ur arms) between every cone Rx1 5, Rx2 4, Rx3 3
Sled Push D/B 45/25 at every cone but first cone ..backpedal to previous cone the run back to sled and continuing pushing
Regular Sled Push D/B 45/25
1) 3 RFT
12 Pullups
6 Hang Cleans Rx1 155/110 Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75
9 S2O - same
2) Bench Press
5 x 5 ascending
3) 2 RFT
Run 200m
Row 250/225m
Ski 250/225m
1) 3,RFT
Row 500/450m
15 KB swings 70/53
15 Box jumps 24/20
2) Deadlift
5 x 5 ascending
3) Snatch
work up to a heavy Single
Full snatch - if u cant Pwr Snatch
1) For Time
Run 800m
2 Sled Push D/B 45/25
Bike 2/1.8 mi
2 Sled Push
Row 1000/900m
2 Sled Push
Ski 1000/900m
2 Sled Push
1) 6 min Emom
Rope Climbs Rx1 3, Rx2 2, Rx3 1
Hspus Rx1 15, Rx2 8, Rx3 15/10
2) Shoulder Press/Pushpress
5 x 3/1 ascending
3) 4 RFT
10 Power Snatch Rx1 115/75, Rx2 95/65 Rx3 75/55
5 Bar Over Burpees
15 C & J - same2
1) 9 min Emom
T2B Rx1 15, Rx2 12, Rx3 10
WB Rx1 18, Rx2 15, Rx3 12 30/20#
Bk extn Rx1 18, Rx2 15, Rx3 12
2) Backsquat
10 reps - same
2 x 3 ascending
10 reps -,same
3) 3 RFT
Row 250/225m
20 Sumo Hi Pull Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/55 (cannot drop every rep/ min set 5 TnG )
Ski 250/225m