Thurs,March 11,2021


1) 6 min emom

8 Squat cleans - TNG Rx1 135/95,Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65 (if bar drops then 2 Burpee penalty added to Burpee round)

8 Burpees over the Bar

2) Backsquat

5 x 4 ascending

3) Sprints

Run 5 x 200m

1:00min rest between

Wed, March10,2021


Run 400m

25 Kb swings 53/35

Row 500/450m

25 Kb swings 53/35

Ski 500/450m

25 Kb swings 53/35

Run 400m

25 Slamballs 70/50

Row 500/450m

25 Slamballs 70/50

Ski 500/450m

25 Slamballs 70/50

Run 400m

Bike 25/20 cals

Row 500/450m

Bike 25/20 cals

Ski 500/450m

Bike 25/20 cals

Tues, March 9, 2021


1) BB complex

2 PP/2 PJ/ 2 SJ


2) 2013.1 Open Wkout

17 Mins as many reps as possible of

40 Target Burpees

30 Snatch 75/55

30 Target Burpees

30 Snatch 135/95 Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65

20 Target Burpees

30 Snatch 165/115 Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75

10 Target Burpees

30 Snatch 210/150 Rx2 165/115, Rx3 145/100 as many reps as possible

Mon, March 8, 2021


1) 9 min EMOM

Row Cals Rx1 20/16, Rx2 16/12, Rx3 12/9

DL 225/155 Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 10

pistols Rx1 20, Rx2 16, Rx3 12

2) Backsquat

3 x 15 ascending

3) 3 RFT

10 Burpees

Run 400m

1 min rest

Fri, March 5, 2021


1) Ghd Holds Rx1 35/25, Rx2 25/15, Rx3 BW

5 x 30 sec hold / 1 min rest

2) Bench Press

5 x 2 ascending/then 2 x 1 try to hit Max

3) 3 RFT

Pullups Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 10

Burpees Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 10

Push-ups Rx1 20/16, Rx2 15/12, Rx3 10/7

Tues, MArch 2, 2021


1) Open 20.1

10 RFT (15 min cap)

8 Ground to Overheads 95/65

10 Bar facing Burpees

2) Push Press

5 x 2 then 2 x 1 ascending

3) Sprints

Run 400m

1 min rest

Row 500/450m

1 min rest

Ski 500/450m

Mon, March 1, 2021


1) 9 min amrap

WB Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14

Box jump Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14

GHDSU Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14

2) Backsquat

5 x 2 ascending then 1 Rep Max

3) 3 RFT

Row 500/450m

30 Kb swings Rx1 70/53, Rx2 53/35

Thurs, Feb 25 2021


1) Backsquat

6 x 3 ascending

2) 17.1 Open

20 min Cap

10 DB snatches 50/35# Sc 35/20#

15 Burpee Box jump overs 24/20 SC Burpee Box step up

20 DB snatches

15 Burpee Box jump overs

30 DB snatches

15 Burpee Box jump overs

40 DB snatches

15 Burpee Box jump overs

50 DB snatches

15 Burpee Box jump overs

Mon, Feb 22, 2021


1) 18.3 Open Wkout

14 min Cap

2 Rnds of:

100 Dus Scaled - 100 singles

20 OH squats 115/80 - 45/35#

100 Dus. 100 singles

12 Ring Mups Pullups

100 Dus 100 singles

20 DB one arm snatch 50/35 35/25#

100 Dus 100 singles

12 Bar Mups Pullups

2) Backsquat

4 x 4 ascending

Fri, Feb 19, 2021


1) 6 min Emom

Pullups Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 12

Target Burpees Rx1 12, Rx2 10, Rx3 8

2) Bench Press

5 x 5 ascending

3) 15.4 Open

8 mins of :

3 Hspus Rx2 6/4 push-ups

3 Cleans 185/125 Rx2 155/105

6 Hspus Rx2 12/8 push-ups

3 Cleans

9 Hspus Rx2 18/12 push-ups

3 Cleans

12 Hspus

6 Cleans 185/125, Rx2 155/105

15 Hspus

6 cleans

18 Hspus

6 cleans

21 Hspus

9 cleans 185/125. Rx2 155/105

THurs, Feb 18, 2021


1) Lsit

5 x 30 sec hold

w/ 1min rest

2) For Time

75 Wallballs

Rx 1 30/20# , Rx2 20/14#, Rx3 60 Wallballs 20/14#

3) 14.3 Open

8 min Amrap

10 Deadlift 135/95

15 Box jumps 24/20

15 Deadlift 185/135

15 Bix jumps

20 Deadlift 225/155

15 Box jumps

25 Deadlift 275/185

15 Box jumps

30 Deadlift 315/205

15 Box jumps

35 Deadlift 365/225

15 Box jumps

Tuesday,Feb 16,2021


1) 5 min

Pace ski for Distance

70% effort

1) Open 14.4 - 14 min Cap

60 cal Row

50 Toes to Bar

40 Wallballs 20/14

30 Pwr Cleans 135/95

20 Muscle Ups Rx2 Bar Mups, Rx3 C2B

10 mins Rest

2) Open 16.3

7 min

Complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 Pwr Snatch 75/55#

3 Bar Mups Rx2 C2B/ push-ups Rx3 Pullups/push-ups