Mon, FEB 15, 2021


1) 8 min Emom

6 squat cleans Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75

10front Rack lunges

2) Backsquat



3) 3 RFT

Run 400m

1 Sled Push D/B

15 Box jumps 24/20

15 Kb swings 70/53#

Fri, Feb 12, 2021


1) Bench Press

6 x 6 ascending

2) Fight Gone Bad

we will partner on this wkout and one partner will keep score for the other. Each rep is a point

Max reps in 17 mins

1 min Box jumps 24/20

1 min Push Press 75/55#
1 min Wallballs 20/14#
1 min Sumo Hi Pulls 75/55#
1 min Row cals

1 min Rest

Thurs, Feb 11, 2021


1) E2MOM

5 x every set add 10# and subtract 2 reps

12 Pwr cleans Rx1 185/125, Rx2 145/100, Rx3 115/75

2) Deadlift

6 x 6 ascending -TNG(work grip strength)

3) 3 RFT (Be Explosive)

KB swings 70/53# Rx1 15, Rx2 12, Rx3 9

Box jumps 34/28” Rx1 10, Rx2 8, Rx3 6

34 = 30” Box w/2 45# plates

28 = 24” ^^

Tues, FeB 9, 2021


1) 9 min EMOM

Sumo Hi Pull 95/65# Rx1 15, Rx2 12, Rx3 9

Devil Press DB 35/25 Rx1 12, Rx2 10, Rx3 8

Wallball leg raises 20/14# Rx1 12, Rx2 10, Rx3 8

2) Power Snatch

6 x 3 (TNG) ascending

3) For Time


Row 250/225m

8 Burpees over Rower

1 min rest Rx2 1:30 min rest Rx3 2 min


Ski 250/225m

8 Burpees

30 sec rest Rx2 1min, Rx3 1:30min

Run 400m

8 Burpees

Fri, Feb 5, 2021


1) Death by Pullups

Start at Rx10, Rx2 5 Rx3 1

Every min add Rx1 3, Rx2 2, Rx3 1,

Go till you can’t finish in that min

2) Bench Press

5 x 3 - 1 1/4 bench ascending

3) 5 RFT

Ski 10/8 cals

10/7 push-ups

5 DB Devil press Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

THURS, FEB 4, 2021


1) 9 min Emom

GHDSU Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14

6 Squat Cleans Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/95

25 Deadlift - same as above

2) Backsquat

5 x 3 - 1 1/4 squats

3) For Time

50/40 cals - Bike

50/40 cals - Row

50/40 cals - Ski

Tues, Feb 2, 2021


1) 6 min EMOM

S2O 95/65# Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

Sumo Hi Pull 95/65# Rx1 15, Rx2 12, Rx3 9

2) Push Press

5 x 2 ascending

3) For Time

1 Rope Climb

5 Pwr Cleans Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/95

2 Rope climbs

4 Pwr cleans Rx1 205/145, Rx2 175/115, Rx3 155/ 105

3 Rope Climbs

3 Pwr Cleans Rx1 225/165, Rx3 195/135, Rx3 175/115

4 Rope climbs

2 Pwr Cleans Rx1 245/180, Rx2 215/155, Rx3 195/135

5 Rope climbs

1 Pwr Clean Rx1 265/195, Rx2 235/170, Rx3 215/155

Mon, Feb 1, 2021


1) Valor wkout #3 (individualized)

12 Min total time

3 min ME

Backsquat Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 115/75


50 WB 20/14#


Amrap of

15 Burpees

25 Pullups

15 Burpees

2) Building your Aerobic Base


15 min - put the damper on 6, pace should be 70%ish ..You want a pace that you can maintain they all 15 mins..Your score is ur pace and meters

Fri, Jan 29, 2021


1) 4 RFT

Ski 300/270m

10 Bar Mups Rx2 10 C2B/10 push-ups Rx3 10 Pullups /10 push-ups

2) Bench Press

6x 3 tempo 3/2/3

3) 21, 15, 9 reps of

DB Cleans Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

HSPUS Rx1 Strict, Rx2 Kipping, Rx3 Push-ups

Thurs, Jan 28, 2021


1) 5 min Emom

6 squat cleans

Rx1 205/145, Rx2 165/115, Rx3 135/95

2) Front squat

tempo 3/2/3 (3 sec down/2sec in bottom/3 sec up)

5 x3 ascending

3) 3 RFT

Run 200m

10 Oh squats Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75 (sub Front squat )

Tues, Jan 26, 2021


1) 6 min Emom

Strict Pullups Rx1 10/7, Rx2 8/5, Rx3 5 jump Pullups w/3 sec hold on way down

GHDSU Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14

2) Push Press/Push jerk

6 x 2/2 ascending

3) DT w/a twist

5 Rnds

12 DL Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75

9 H.Cleans - same

6 S2O - same

10 T2B Rx2 8, Rx3 6

Mon, Jan 25, 2021


1) 6 min Emom

Wallballs Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14

Target Burpees Rx1 12, Rx2 10, Rx3 8

2) Backsquat

6 x 4 ascending

3) 3 RFT

shuttle 25m - must touch ground at each turn

Slamball 70/50# carry to 25m

15 Box step overs 24/20# - throw Slamball over Box then step over Box. Slamball can hit box, cannot jump but can touch box with hands, both feet have to touch box

Slamball carry 25m

Thurs, Jan 21, 2021


1) 3 RFT

Run 200m


10 C/J Rx1 165/110, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75

2) Snatch Grip Deadlift

5 x 5 ascending

3) 8 min amrap

80 Ft HSW , Rx2 40 ft HSW, 80 ft crab walk

10 Slamballs Rx1 150/100, Rx2 100/70, Rx3 70/50

WED, JAN 20, 2021


For Time

5 Rnds

Bike .5/.4

Wallballs 20/14#
Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20

5 Rnds

Row 250/225m

Kb swings 53/35#

Rx1 30, Rx25, Rx3 20

5 Rnds

Ski 250/225m

One arm DB Snatch 50/35, 40/25, 35/20

Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20

Tues, Jan 19, 2021


1) 3 RFT

8 Hang Snatch Rx1 135/95, Rx2 115/75, Rx3 95/65

DUS Rx1 100, Rx2 50, Rx3 300 singles

HSpus Rx1 15, Rx2 8, Rx3 15/10 push-ups

2) Split Jerk

7 X 1 ascending

3) 3 RFT

Ski 400/360m

15 C2B Pullups Rx2 15 Pullups , Rx3 10 Pullups