Tues, Aug 27, 2019


1) BB Complex

2 Pushpress/2 Push Jerk/1 Split Jerk

6 x ascending

2) 3 RFT

Strict HSPUs Rx1 10 Reps (3” deficit), Rx2 5 reps, Rx3 10 kipping Hspus

Rope Climb Rx1 2 LegLess, Rx2 1 LL&1RC, Rx3 2 RC

Row 250/225m

3) Power Snatch

12 mins to

Work up to Heavy Double (TNG)

Mon, Aug 26, 2019


1)9 min emom

Wallballs Rx1 18, Rx2 14, Rx3 12 20/14#

leg lift WB Rx1 12, Rx2 10, Rx3 8

Twists WB Rx1 18, Rx2 14, Rx3 12

2)Backsquat/Backrack lunges

5 x 3 squats/ 6 lunges


3) 10 min amrap

Pull-ups Rx1 15 C2B, Rx2 15 chin over, Rx3 8 chin over

Box Jumps 15

Deadlift 15 Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85

Fri, Aug 23, 2019


1)LSit/ GHDHold

3 x 30 sec Hold w/1 min Rest - LSit

3 x 30 sec Hold w/1 min Rest-GHD Hold

2)Bench Press

5 x 5 ascending

3) 4 RFT

Peg Board Rx1 2, Rx2 1, Rx3 2 Rope Climbs

Ski 15/12 cals

Hspu Rx1 15, Rx2 8, Rx3 15/10 push-ups

Row 15/12 cals

Thurs, Aug 22, 2019


1)8 min emom

10 Pwr Snatch Rx1 115/80, Rx2 95/65, Rx3 75/55

10 OH squat same (if can’t OH squat do Fr Squat)


5 x 5 ascending

3)3 RFT

Run 400m

Deadlift 5 TNG Rx1 275/185, Rx2 245/155, Rx2 205/135

Bar Over Burpees 5

Bk extn 15

Wed, Aug 21, 2019


1)For Time (Time Cap 45 mins)

Bike 2/1.8 miles

Wallballs Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25

Row 1000/900m

Box Jumps Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25

Ski 1000/900m

KB swing Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25

Bike 1/.9 mile

Wallballs Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

Row 500/450m

Box Jumps Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

Ski 500/450m

KB swings Rx1 25,Rx2 20, Rx3 15

Tues, Aug 20, 2019


1)10 min cap

Rx1 10 Rnds, Rx2 8 Rnds, Rx3 6 Rnds

5 pullups

10/7 push-ups

15 sit-ups

2) Shoulder Press

5 x 3 - 3 sec pause above the shoulder

Once set starts bar does not touch the shoulder. Rep 2 and 3 comes below chin and hold for 3 seconds then press

3) 75/ cals For Time

Bike cals 25/20

Row cals 25/20

Ski cals 25/20

Mon, Aug 19, 2019


1)3 RFT

Run 200m


15 Bk extn

2) Backsquat/Sled Push

6 x 3 same weight then Sled D/B

Rx1 275/185, Rx2 245/155, Rx3 205/115

Sled Push 45/25, 25/empty

3) 9 min amrap

20 Deadlift Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85

5 Bar facing Burpees

10 Pwr Cleans Rx1 same

5 Bar facing Burpees

Fri, Aug 16, 2019


1)6 min emom

Rope climbs Rx1 3, Rx2 2, Rx3 1

Lsits 30 sec Hold

2) Bench Press

5 x 5 Holds - ascending

Hold 2 inches above chest for 3 sec then Press

3) 10 min amrap

Ski 250/225m

Strict pull-ups Rx1 8/5 C2B, Rx2 8/5, Rx3 8 kipping pull-ups

8 DB Devil Press Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

Thurs, Aug 15, 2019


1)9 min Emom

Target Burpees Rx1 12, Rx2 10, Rx3 8

(first 3 Rnds)

Row Cals Rx1 18/15, Rx2 16/13, Rx 13/10

(Rnds 4 - 6)

Pwr Cleans Rx1 12, Rx2 10, Rx3 8 135/85#

(Rnds 7-9)

2) Deadlift

6 x 3 ascending

3) For Time

3, 6, 9, 12 reps of

DB Thrusters Rx1 50/35 Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

Box Jump Overs 24/20#

Wed, Aug 14, 2019


Bike cals / Sit-ups - alternate movements every 2 mins. Keep running total of cals and reps once you hit the # below move to next station

Rx1 300/275, Rx2 275/250, Rx3 250/225

Row cals / walking lunges - alternate movements every 2 mins

Rx1 300/275, Rx2 275/250, Rx3 250/225

Ski cals / Back Extns - alternate movements every 2 mins

Rx1 300/275, Rx2 275/250, Rx3 250/225

Tues, Aug 13, 2019

1)Weighted GHD Holds

4 x 30 sec hold w/1 min rest

Rx1 35/25, Rx2 25/15, Rx3 BW

2) Shoulder Press

5 x 3 ascending (BB cannot touch your shoulders during the set once the set is started. Rep 2 and 3 must start below your nose.)

3) 12 min amrap

C2B pullups Rx1 20, Rx2 10, Rx3 10 pull-ups

10 Power Snatch TNG Rx1 95/65, Rx2 75/55, Rx3 65/45 (if u drop BB /5 Bar facing Burpees)

Bar facing Burpees Rx1 15, Rx2 10, Rx3 7

MoN, Aug 12, 2019


1) 12 min emom

Wallballs 30/20 Rx1 18, Rx2 12, Rx3 15 (20/14#)

GHDSU Rx1 18, Rx2 15, Rx3 12

Bike Rx1 18/15 cals, Rx2 15/12, Rx3 12/10

Deadlift 20 reps Rx1 225/155, Rx2 185/125, Rx3 155/105

2) Backsquat

6 x 3 ascending

3) 2 RFT

Row 250/225m

pistols Rx1 30, Rx2 16, Rx3 30 jumping lunges

Kb swings 70/53 Rx1 30, Rx2 15, Rx3 30 53/35

Thurs, Aug 8, 2019


1) 3 RFT

Bike cals Rx1 20/16, Rx2 16/12, Rx3 12/10

5 Slamballs O/S Rx1 150/100,Rx2 100/70, Rx3 70/50

2) Superset

Frontsquat /Deadlift (2 Barbells)

6 x 3 ascending

3) 2 RFT

Run 400m

6 squat Cleans Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75

12 Bk Extns Rx1 30/20, Rx2 20/14, Rx3 10/14

18 Wallballs Rx1 30/20, Rx2 20/14, Rx3 14/10

Wed, Aug 7, 2019


1) For Time Rx1 5Rnds, Rx2 4Rnds, Rx3 3Rnds

Bike Rx1 1/.9 mile, Rx2 1.1/1, Rx3 1.2/1

Rx1 5 Burpees, Rx2 6 Burpees, Rx3 7 Burpees

Row Rx1 500/450m, Rx2 550/495m, Rx3 650/585m

Rx1 Burpees Rx2 6 Burpees, Rx3 7 Burpees

Ski Rx1 500/450, Rx2 550/495, Rx3 650/585m

Rx1 5 Burpees Rx2 Burpees, Rx3 7 Burpees

1) 6 min Emom

Row Cals Rx1 18/15, Rx2 15/12, Rx3 12/9

Burpees Over the Rower Rx1 9, Rx2 7, Rx3 5

3 mins Rest

6 min Emom

T2B Rx1 14, Rx2 11, Rx3 8

Burpees Rx1 9, Rx2 7, Rx3 5

2) Backsquat /Pwr Clean

5 x 3 ascending (Backsquat)

5 x 1 ascending (PWR CL)

then you have 1 min after set of BSquat to hit a Pwr Clean. Trying to work to Heavy triple squat and heavy Single Pwr Clean

Thurs, Aug 1, 2019


1) 12 min amrap

10 one arm Snatch Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

40 FT DB Front Rack Lunges

10 DB Cleans


3 x 10 ascending

3) 6 min emom

5 Squat Cleans Rx1 165/115, Rx2 135/85, Rx3 115/75