Wed, Aug 4, 2021


For Time (40min cap)

Ski 1,000/900m

Dus Rx1 100, Rx2,50, Rx3 200 singles

Ski 500/450m


Ski 250/225m

Bike 2/1.8 m

Wallballs Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 15 20/14#
Bike 1/.9 m


Bike .5/.4 m

Row 1,000/900m

30 DB Snatches Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

Row 500/450m


Row 250/225m

Tues, Aug 3, 2021


1) For Time

Rx1 50 C2B, Rx2 50 Pullups, Rx3 25 Pullups

start with 3 Burpees then every min on min 3 Burpees

2) Push Jerk

5 x 3 ascending

3) CFG event 9


Bike Cals

Pwr Snatches Rx1 155/105, Rx2 95/65, Rx3 75/55

Mon, Aug 2, 2021


1) 3 RFT

15 WB GHDSU Rx1 30/20, Rx2 20/14, Rx3 14/10

10 Pwr Clean Rx1 155/105, Rx3 135/95, Rx3 115/75

2) Backsquat

4 x 7 75% 1RM

3) 2 RFT

Box jump 24/20” Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

12 DB Devil Press Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

Fri, July 30, 2021


1) Lsit / Row Sprints

Every 2 Mins for 10 mins do :

30 sec Lsit hold

then 1:30 to Row 150/135m

2) Bench Press

5 x 5 same 80% 1RM

3) Age Group Games Wkout 2 (Kinda Christine had 20 ft Rope)

5 Rnds

RC Rx1 LL (First 2 Rnds do 2 LL RC) then Rounds 3-5 1 LL RC , Rx2 First 2 Rounds do 1 LL RC then 2 RC for Rounds 3 -5, Rx3 2 RC

5 Deadlift Rx1 345/215 Rx2 315/175, Rx3 255/155

Thurs, July 29, 2021


1) 3 RFT

Row 400/360m

Air Squats Rx1 35, Rx2 30, Rx3 25

2) Backsquat

4 x 7 @ 73% 1RM

3) 3 RFT

5 Bar facing Burpees

10 Fr Rack Lunges Rx1 185/125, Rx3 155/105, Rx3 125/85

5 Pwr Snatch

WED, July 28, 2021


For Time

Bike 2/1.8 miles

15 Wallballs Rx1 30/20, Rx2/3 20/14

Row 1500/1350m


Ski 1,500/1,350m

15 Burpees

Bike 1.5/1.3

10 Wallballs

Row 1,000/900m


Ski 1,000/900

10 Burpee

Bike .5/.4

5 Wallballs

Row 500/450m


Ski 500/450m

5 Burpees

Tues, July 27, 2021


1) 10 min amrap

15 Situps

10 Pullups

5 push-ups

2)BB complex

2 Push Press/ 2 Push Jerk / 1 Split Jerk

7 x ascending

3) 3 RFT

20 DB one arm Snatch Rx1 70/50, Rx2 50/35 Rx3 40/25

Ski 250/225M

Mon, July 26, 2021


1) 2 RFT

10 Pwr Cleans Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85

Row 500/450m

Burpee Box Over Rx1 10, Rx2 8, Rx3 6


4 x 7 @ 71% same

3) 2 RFT

Sled Push D/B 45/25#

Run 400M

T2B Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

Fri, July 23Rd, 2021


1) For Time

Row 1,000/900m

2 mins rest

SKi 1,000/900m

2) Bench Press

3 x 4 ascending

3 x 3 Same

3) GHD Holds

5 x 1 min hold

30 sec rest in between

Rx1 45/25, Rx2 25/15, Rx3 BW

Tues, July 20, 2021


1) 2RFT
50 KB swings Rx1 70/53, Rx2 62/44, Rx3 53/35

40 T2B Rx2 30 Rx3 20

30 Pullups Rx2 20 Rx3 10

20 Hspus Rx2 10, Rx3 20 push-ups

2) Split Jerk

7 x 1 ascending

Mon, July 19, 2021


1) For Time

50 Wallballs Rx1 30/20, Rx2 20/14

Every min stop and do 3 Burpees

2) Backsquat

3 x 10 @67% 1 RM

3) 2 RFT

Row 25/20cals

T2B Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15

10 Slamballs O/S Rx1 150/100, Rx2 100/70, Rx3 70/50

10 Box Step Ups w/ Slamball 24/20”

Fri, July 16, 2021


1) 3 RFT

Run 200m

10 S2O Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75

10 Sumo Hi Pull

2) Bench Press

3 x 10 same

3) 3 RFT

10 Devil Press Rx1 50/35, Rx2 40/25, Rx3 35/20

Pull Sled D/B 25/Empty

Ski 250/225m

WED, July 14, 2021


1) For Time

Run 800m w/sandbag Rx1 50/40, Rx2 40/30, Rx3 30/20 (Wallball)

Lunges w/sandbag D/B Rx1 50/40, Rx2 40/30, Rx3 30/20 (wallball)

Row 1,000/900m

50 Air squats sandbag Rx1 50/40, Rx2 40/30, Rx30/20

Ski 1,000/900m

50 Situps sandbag Rx1 50/40, Rx2 40/30, Rx3 30/20

Tues, July 13, 2021


1) Push Press

5 x 4 ascending

2) 3 RFT

T2B Rx1 25,Rx2 20, Rx3 15

HSPU Rx1 20, Rx2 15, Rx3 15 push-ups

10 S2O Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/95 Rx3 115/75

Rope Climbs Rx1 4, Rx2 3, Rx3 2

mon, July 12th, 2021


1) 9 min Emom

Wallballs Rx1 20(30/20#) Rx2 20 (20/14#) Rx3 17

10 Pwr Cleans Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85

GHDSU Rx1 20, Rx2 17, Rx3 14

2) Backsquat (Going to use this # for Squat cycle)

Work up to Heavy single

3) 3 RFT

10 Deadlift Rx1 315/225, Rx2 275/185, Rx3 245/165

15 Box jumps Overs 24/20”

Fri, July 9, 2021


1) L sits

5 x 30 sec holds

1 min rest between

2) Bench Press

6 x 2 ascending

3) 3RFT

Row 200/180m

Peg Board Rx1 1 , Rx2 1 RC LL , Rx3 1 RC

10 S2O Rx1 155/105, Rx2 135/95, Rx3 115/75

10 Bar facing burpees

Ski 200/180m

Thurs, July 8, 2021


1) 9 min Emom

Air Squats Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20

Sit ups Rx1 30, Rx2 25, Rx3 20

pullups Rx1 25, Rx2 20, Rx3 15


6 x 2 ascending

3) 2 RFT

15 Pwr Cleans Rx1 185/125, Rx2 155/105, Rx3 135/85

Dus Rx1 150,Rx2 100, Rx3 300 singles